The Bored Ape Pixel Club is a collection of unique Bored Ape 8-bit NFTs— Hand drawn, one at a time with pre-defined color palettes so they can be recognizable. These pixels are compiled as unique digital collectibles living on the Polygon blockchain. Your Pixel Ape doubles as your Pixel Club membership card.

Could we go all the way to 10k B.A.P.C. apes?



Phase 1

Release B.A.P.C. Apes into the polygon jungle. As they are drawn, their properties are added and they are released.

Phase 2

Welcome: After 100 pixel apes are purchased, 5 random B.A.P.C. Apes will be randomly transferred to 5 active owners.

Phase 3

If the floor price reaches 0.1eth, every 25 sales will generate a public random winner video on Instagram for .5eth and a random B.A.P.C. Ape transferred to their wallet. 1 entry for every owned ape from B.A.P.C. You could be a winner at any point in time just for holding!
